On The Pulse

7 K‑Pop Songs To Get You In The Workout Zone

From energetic tracks to upbeat bops and even a soothing ballad, here are seven K‑Pop songs you’ll want to add to your workout playlist.

Whether you need to get your adrenaline pumping to power through that extra rep or centre yourself with some meditation and yoga, here are our K-Pop picks to work out to. Getting fit has never been so fun.

If You’re Into: HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)

Try: God’s Menu by Stray Kids

This powerful song has a good mix of intense and slower beats, perfect for those extremely intense workouts. When the going gets tough, this track will help you push through the pain.

If You’re Into: Boxing

Try: Not Today by BTS

Having a bad day and need to let the frustrations out? Whether you’re working on your foot work through shadow boxing or hitting the bag, this energetic track will help you keep the pace. Plus, with its inspirational lyrics, “No, Not Today,” you’ll feel pumped and confident by the end of your session.

If You’re Into: Spin


Stay hyped and motivated with this high-energy track. The chorus, along with the repetitive “dun-dun-da-dan”, hit hard. From seated or standing climbs to tap backs and crunches, this tune will give you the extra push you need to finish strong.

If You’re Into: Running


A fun tune that makes for a great companion whether you’re running indoors on a treadmill or outside. The upbeat bounce puts a spring in your step and keeps you going. And if you’re still feeling a little lazy, just do as the girls sing “Put your sneakers on, 1, 2, ready, get-set, go!”

If You’re Into: Functional Strength Training

Try: Monster by EXO

The steady rhythmic pulses make this a great song to pair with your weights training at the gym or at home. Breathe in, breathe out, and stay focused whether you’re doing dead lifts or bench presses.

If You’re Into: Zumba


A playful and catchy track that will definitely get you off your couch and moving. And with Zumba, this is exactly what you need. It’ll get you shimmy-ing from top to toe – “head, shoulders, knees, and hip” as the lyrics go, for a full body cardio workout.

If You’re Into: Yoga

Try: If You by BIGBANG

There’s something comforting about the rhythmic drum beats of this song. It’ll help focus your breathing as you hold each pose and flow into the next one. Also works great when you’re stretching to cool down after a strenuous workout.

All ready for your next workout? Check out the Wor K Out playlist and stay pumped. Fighting!