On Record

K‑Pop ON! Track: Your Destination For All Things K‑Pop

Bringing you closer to the K‑Pop beat, from the music you love to the artists who make it.

Annyeong! Welcome to K-Pop ON! Track, Spotify’s homebase for all things K-Pop. Go behind the scenes with Idols and the K-Pop industry, get updates on Spotify’s K-pop news, and deep-dive into trends and artist interviews.

If the K-Pop ON! (온) playlist is your daily dose of sunshine, then K-Pop ON! Track is the rainbow that complements it, bringing you all the colour you need for the music you love and the artists who create it.

Whether you’re dipping your toes into the K-Pop universe or are a bona-fide stan who knows your H.O.T from your NCT, this is where you’ll want to be. K-Pop ON! Track is where you’ll find all of Spotify’s K-Pop news, from exclusive artist interviews and happenings within the industry to up and coming trends, comebacks to listen out for, and more.

So what are you waiting for? Bookmark this page and stay updated on everything you need to know in the world of K-Pop!